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The Big Swim: Charity Swim by our CEO!

29 June 2022

Our CEO, David Hammond, successfully completed the challenging 5.25 mile Coniston End to End Swim in July in aid of Level Water.

It is fair to say he had mixed emotions at the finish line, from exhaustion to relief to pride and wobbly legs (all captured wonderfully by the event photographers)!

David raised a fantastic £500 for Level Water to help provide access to swimming facilities for children living with disabilities giving them the independence, confidence, health and swim smiles that David and many more of us have been lucky to have.

“Thank you to everyone that supported me in my training for the event and also those who sponsored such a great charity, it was a great day and very well ran. Not quite ready to swim the channel ‘yet’ but will certainly keep the swimming up.”

Well done, David!


The Level Water Mission:

We give children with disabilities the opportunity to learn to swim. From physical development to social and emotional confidence, swimming is a vehicle to change their lives for the better. To make this happen and create long lasting impact, we know it can’t be done in isolation.

Level Water unites and collaborates with teachers, families, fundraisers, pools, supporters, governing bodies – and children with disabilities. We help the whole industry to share this mission.

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